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Workplace Agility

Workplace Agility℠ | Barrier Identification

What is Workplace Agility?

A process where leadership teams, along with other management and individual contributors, identify barriers to optimum team performance. For organizations that want to improve employee engagement, removing barriers to performance is a great place to start.
By participating in Workplace Agility Barrier Identification, leaders gain invaluable insight into key questions across six dimensions:

  • People – Do we have the most effective team? Do we identify and hire the best candidates, integrate them with the team, train and coach them effectively, successfully improve their performance, and retain them?
  • Process – Do our processes effectively support our business? Are they well documented to support team training; do they evolve to support changes in business climate; are they appropriately enforced?
  • Tools – Do our teams have the right tools? Do our business tools improve worker efficiency and effectiveness; do they adapt as our processes change; are staff properly trained; are tools accepted by our staff?
  • Metrics – Do we have the right business metrics? Do metrics we report effectively provide decision-making information we need in an efficient & effective manner, and do members of the organization understand how metrics help us answer key business questions?
  • Agility – Are we an agile organization? How effectively do we communicate; do we involve the appropriate stakeholders in project decisions; how do we deal with failure and share new learnings; how empowered are individual teams?
  • Management Style – Do our managers positively impact employee engagement? Do they support and trust their teams; are they receptive to ideas from their team members; do they foster innovation; is there effective 2-way communication with their teams; do they consistently lead with integrity?