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Tools for Profit

Tools for Profit™ | Profit Maximization

What is Tools for Profit?

A business framework and process that encourages leaders to think, analyze, discuss and act upon their business in ways that substantially improve Operating Profit, and Cash-flow.
The Tools for Profit works to establish linkages between what a business stands for in the minds of customers – MARKET POSITION – and what business leaders do in the areas of PRICE management, VOLUME sales, MIX adjustment, COST expenditures, and WORKING CAPITAL management.
By participating in the Tools for Profit executive management program, leaders obtain:

  • A clearer understanding of how MARKET POSITION, PRICE, VOLUME, MIX, COST, and OPERATING WORKING CAPITAL relate to specific increases in Operating Profit and Cash-flow
  • A working knowledge and desire to used key financial statements and measures of business performance in the proactive management of the business
  • Practical experience from application of the Tools for Profit in team exercises
  • An increased comfort level and desire to apply the Tools for Profit in the day-to-day management of the business