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Cost Reduction

Recover Hidden Cashflow | Procurement Spend

What is Recover Hidden Cashflow?

A business framework and process that engages business leaders; unearths significant business savings within a 12-month timeframe.
Core process: Align benchmark data with insider experts – multiple vendor industries; global network of 650+ experienced consultants across procurement supply chain. Execute savings without jeopardizing existing relationships; without forcing clients to use specific vendors; without degradation in quality or service – while concurrently improving process efficiencies.
Critical steps along the way include the following:

  • Develop a roadmap to dramatically and consistently reduce procurement spend
  • Analyze and validate actual purchase history to the lowest level possible
  • Understand qualitative requirements for each cost category
  • Understand assumptions and processes that drive purchasing requirements
  • Perform deep dive; gain understanding of suppliers and their industries
  • Re-evaluate current supplier relationships based on new insights
  • Execute better requests for proposals; right timing, right questions
  • Negotiate, decide, implement, monitor
  • Improve the expense culture mindset across the organization
  • Drive tangible expense reduction; across categories

By participating in Procurement Spend | Recover Hidden Cashflow, cross functional leaders build:

  • Awareness of the key challenges of expense management
  • Learn the top ten misconceptions in working with suppliers and how to address these challenges to their respective business
  • Understand (begin to apply) best practices in world-class expense management
  • Get results. 10%-30% reduction in spend