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Company Culture

Breakthrough Leader | Company Culture

What is Breakthrough Leader?

A leadership capability and process unlocks high Performance and motivation via The Progress Principle. Unlock high performance and motivation with
The Breakthrough Leader is full of powerful secrets that show exactly what leaders at any level must do every day to engage millennials and all generations and at all levels.
Based upon the Harvard Business School research published in The Progress Principle by Dr. Teresa Amabile and Dr. Steven Kramer. You’ll be given tools and a game-plan to make an immediate impact in ways that motivate and inspire a high-performance culture.

By participating in The Breakthrough Leader, leaders across the organization will:

  • Implement the key leadership factor that drives engagement
  • Inspire meaning and purpose in the workplace to motivate performance
  • Leverage small wins to build momentum
  • Lead as a catalyst of performance by applying 7 vital behaviors
  • Take action with the Progress Playbook as the ultimate tool to lead engagement