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Advanced Scheduling

Advanced Scheduling | Theory of Constraints

What is Advanced Scheduling?

A scheduling solutions methodology that supports Drum| Buffer | Rope execution and Throughput Accounting; key tenets of Theory of Constraints (TOC) continuous improvement strategy – crucial to addressing root cause of missed delivery and operating profit. Software alone, will not get the job done. The proper blend of software and thoughtware will ensure sustainable performance as a market leader.
By participating in a Synchronous Flow Workshop, senior executives and their cross-functional operations teams will:

  • Quickly understand the implications of constraints in their fulfillment processes
  • Learn how to identify and proactively manage constraints to material, information, and cash flow
  • Determine the impact of constraint location in the flow regarding WIP and Lead-Time
  • Gain confidence about moving forward with a proven growth initiative

Effective deployment of advanced scheduling techniques will achieve dramatic progress toward the following within two production cycles:

  • 98%+ On-Time Delivery
  • 60% Less Order Cycle-Time
  • 50% Less Inventory & OpEx
  • 30% Better Asset Utilization
  • 25% More Throughput